T5 High Performance Energy Wiser
Lites and Lamps.com
Your online source for quality, economical commercial lighting...
$287.50  (40)  FP14830
Make Order Selection Below
$287.50  (40)  FP14835
$287.50  (40)  FP14841
$225.00  (40)  F14T5830
$225.00  (40)  F14T5835
$225.00  (40)  F14T5841
$287.50  (40)  FP14T5865
$287.50  (40)  FP21830
$287.50  (40)  FP21835
$287.50  (40)  FP21841
$287.50  (40)  F21T5830
$287.50  (40)  F21T5835
$287.50  (40)  F21T5841
$287.50  (40)  F21T5865
$307.50  (40)  FP24841HO
$307.50  (40)  FP24T5835HO
$307.50  (40)  FP24T5841HO
$287.50  (40)  FP28830
$287.50  (40)  FP28835
$287.50  (40)  FP28841
$240.0  (40)  F28T5830
$240.00  (40)  F28T5835
$240.00  (40)  F28T5841
$240.00  (40)  F28T5865
$287.50  (40)  FP35830
$287.50  (40)  FP35835
$287.50  (40)  FP35841
$245.00  (40)  F35T5830
$245.00  (40)  F35T5841
$245.00  (40)  F35T5865
$287.50  (40)  FP39841HO
$245.00  (40)  F39T5830HO
$245.00  (40)  F39T5835HO
$245.00  (40)  F39T5841HO
$307.50  (40)  FP54841HO
$250.00  (40)  F54T5830HO
$250.00  (40)  F54T5835HO
$250.00  (40)  F54T5841HO
$250.00  (40)  F54T5850HO
$400.00  (40)  FP80841HO
Orders may be substituted with equal quality lamp...
Order by case only (40) lamps per case
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